Back to the Mac stuff.
Most recent revision date of this page, Nov 10 2024.
On this page:
Double boxing: that means items which include an original Apple box could be shipped
inside a larger box, to protect the original Apple box. This will increase shipping costs due to weight and
possibly size. We will also charge an additional fee for the time, box, and materials this will require.
A complete list of pointers to our Mac inventory, services and
information pages is on my Mac home page. An unusual source of information for the oldest Macs - Apple's Web domain at - has
a page on "pre-System 7 Macs" hardware and software. Check
Apple Macintosh before System 7
by Eric Rasmussen written Aug 8 2005.
When ordering, please follow this link
for my email address, ordering information, terms and conditions, and info about
orders outside the USA. If you live outside the United States, consider the
costs of shipping; and the costs of providing payment. Any Mac item in a case, is in some cosmetic condition. It will have a color, and it may have some degree of fading. You the customer must tell me, the seller, what cosmetic condition YOU want. That will determine the price of the case, and add to the price of the item. I will refer you to this section of my Web site for descriptions of cosmetic condition. Warning: if you ask for "best possible condition", the price will probably be too high, or the case not good enough. Do not go that route if you are cheap, I'm tired of offering "the best" and not having a final sale. Thank you.
Cosmetic condition of early Mac items: Old Mac items are often in various cosmetic conditions and are priced accordingly. Color fading is due to exposure to light. Many customers have some kind of cosmetic condition in mind when they order, but some do not or don't care. Please specify cosmetic condition when ordering early Mac items; I will ask you if you don't. I have some UNUSED parts which won't be faded at all, check my unused parts list for specifics.
The following are terms I use to describe cosmetic condition, from best to worst. There's photographed examples. Also see some Early Mac systems on this Web page as examples.
Here's a good-condition Mac SE system which was sold in April 2006. There are no physical damages to this SE case. There is slight fading from the original "platinum" but it is uniform and not unsightly. The CRT screen has no signifigant screen burn, the image is bright and sharp.
Here are more images of that SE in good condition: front of SE. back of SE. SE from side. Faded, patches are general conditions and will vary. Yellow or faded or patchy are like this mouse, faded to yellow-grey. with patches of grey or tan where a thumb-sized label was removed. There may be similar light areas which were covered or simply in shade.
Please specify cosmetic condition when ordering early Mac items; I will ask you if you don't.
If you are looking for 800K floppy drives for the Mac 128K or 512K,
or for 400K or 800K diskettes, please
check check my floppy drive section of my parts
Web page.
The 400K drive was only used in the 128K and 512K Macs, and I think some later Lisa (Mac XL) models. Here is a link to a photo of a 400K drive, out of the Mac or the external drive case. As supplies and repairs permit, we offer 400K floppy drives, cleaned and lubricated and tested. Cleaning and lubrication is necessary as these drive have chronic problems with old lubricants. If we can't locate repair parts, we can't offer these 400K drives. I generally don't sell nonworking 400K drives.
Availability and price of these drives will vary. But look: they won't be cheap. SPECIFY THE COSMETIC CONDITION you want for an external drive, please, See this link for examples.. If you ask for "Best possible condition" - I don't have that, I'm not trying to sell rare collectables here. Shipping weight is 3 lbs for internal drives, 5 lbs for external.
Please note: Apple's (USA) Mac and Apple II computers & products, will accept any (USA) AC cord that fits the Mac's AC outlet. If all you want is (USA) AC power to your Apple product, grab some AC cord from a computer or TV or LCD display etc. Please don't ask me to decide what AC cord you have to have, that's up to you. Some people are interested in these details. This information may be incomplete or in error: contact me if you have corrections.
Descriptions, definitions The following AC cords I describe as "Apple logo", have a molded Apple logo on the AC wall-outlet side. AC cords with a "bullseye logo", have a molded concentric set of circles (bullseye). They have specific physical features as described, And I alone (not Apple) designate some of them as "ABCD type". These were sold at various times with Apple Macintosh or Apple II computers or accessories like printers, hard drives, etc. Apple generally did not specify specific AC cords for specific products, sorry. The Apple Service manuals per product, don't/didn't provide a part number that I found. A useful discussion about this, was
found on the Web at this early-Mac email discussion group.
These cords are for USA (110V AC) use. The cord may be brown/tan, or ivory, or grey. It has shapes as
I'll describe. It ends in a FEMALE, three-pin AC connector which plugs into your early Apple product. The center pin is offset from the other two pins. They are different in how the AC wall plug is logoed, and how the computer side AC plug is shaped or bent. I show photos of the computer-side housing and name them ABCD arbitrarily as shown.
We can't tell you definitively what model Mac sold with what A/C cord. We can only sell you a cord of some particular description. Please specify color and the computer-side AC connector (ABCD) as I've described. I suggest you describe the Apple/Mac model you want it for, and WHY some choice matters to you. I provide this information and these items, for people interested in such details, as best I determined at one time.
The image at this link shows four female connectors which plug into your Mac/Apple product. They are labled in the photo A B C D, left to right. Please note, these are MY designations, not Apple's. They are shown, as you can see, with the power cord hanging STRAIGHT DOWN from the FEMALE (computer end) connector. The "angled" connectors are shown facing you, so you can see the FEMALE pins. Look carefully at your intended use device, to determine how the A/C cord will "hang" relative to your A/C connector. Your choice among these is up to you, not me. Computer-side connectors: molded logo: Many of these have a molded Apple logo into the AC wall-side connector. Some have a series of concentric circles, a "bullseye" pattern logo instead. I believe Apple produced and distributed both of these. In some cases I have an AC cord without either logo. Those will be cheaper, they are not likely from Apple, some are very common.
Surprising variety, eh? They all "fit" the same Apple-product AC connector, but they
"hang" differently, or have a particular look or logo or color.
AC cord prices
PRices subject to change and we may limit number sold per customer.
Black or grey my choice, no Apple brand/logo, A/C cord, straight connector "A", - $2 plus shipping Grey, "bullseye" logo A/C cord, angle type "C" - $10 plus shipping The "type D" connector seems unusual, I don't have very many or know much about them.
The "type B" connector seems unique to Apple Mac 128K, 512K and Plus products, it hangs "down" in use with them.
Most if not all are brown/tan with Apple logo. Ask about price and availability, but it's scarce, I don't have many, and will
be sold at highest prices.
Mac 128K/512K (DB-9) to Imagewriter I (DB-25) ORIGINAL APPLE cable, 590-0169. Dark tan,
Apple logo, square/rectangular molded connector housings. ask if available and price. Apple original serial/printer cord, DB-9 to DIN-8. See our Mac cables parts
for descriptions of these connectors. The 128K 512K Plus programmers switch or reset switch is that little plastic device on the side of the Mac which lets you manually reset the computer. If your Mac "hangs up", this will restart your computer without turning the power off and on. It also has an "interrupt" switch which was used by software developers.
For the Mac 128K and 512K and Plus, we have have used or unused, tan beige programmers switches. We only have unused Platinum/Grey switches, ask for a price. The beige used programmer's switch is $25 plus shipping, ask if unused are available. For programmer reset power buttons for other Mac models, check our parts Web page.
All these Plus/512K/128K keyboards and mice if sold are sold tested and working. The items below are in various cosmetic conditions but are all tested and working; they are priced according to cosmetic condition. See this statement for descriptions of cosmetic conditions.
as of 2023, I have these keyboard and mice items in good or better cosmetic conditions with all keys working. Do not ask for junk or "parts" keyboards. I charge more for better condition, kinds of keyswitches, and for the effort of selection. Consider that shipping costs are higher for keyboards than small parts due to size not weight. Please describe the desired color and cosmetic condition when ordering. Grey or platinum keyboards and mice faded quickly, so less-faded will cost more if available. Mac Plus keyboard were made in different countries, with different keyswitches. Japan and Malaysia models have more desirable keyswitches than the USA models. Yes, people pay attention to keyswitches, it's not just me.
Descriptions: The "short" keyboard M0110 was shipped with the 128K and 512K. The "long" keyboard M0110A was shipped with the Plus and some 512KEs. The earlier tan M0110's and early tan M0110A's are USA keyboards with ALPS brand keyswitches. Some Mac Plus keyboards were grey or "platinum" from Japan or Malaysia, some with desirable Mitsumi keywsitches. Some are tan keyboards from Tiawan with SMK keyswitches. All keyboards work on all those models. The short keyboard weighs two pounds and is 14 X 7 X 3 inches approximately. The long keyboard is about three pounds and 16 X 7 X 3 accordingly, shipping weight and box size are larger. The 128K mouse has a different DB-9 connector housing than later mice for the 512K and Plus; some Plus mice and keyboards were grey not just tan. Follow the Web links below for images of these various items.
Price guidance: "several tens of dollars" for any of these keyboards. If I'm specific that sets
the price, and price depends on demand, supply and condition. I'm price competing with "can't test but looks
great" keyboards (likely with bad keys) on that auction Web site. Of course, my keyboards are tested, repaired, working.
Mac 128K/512K/Plus original keyboard cables - $19 but only sold with keyboards.
If you are looking for individual keyswitches to repair these 128K 512K Plus keyboards,
check this Web page which shows details of keyswitches. I also sell individual keycaps - specify color and of course letter/number/symbol. There are different models of Mac Plus keyboard switches. If you order a keyswitch for replacement, read the lable on the keyboard and tell me what COUNTRY it is from, and I may need a photo of your keyswitch to verify.
Mouse with DB-9 model M0100 SQUARE-cornered connector housing as in photo of mouse on RIGHT Trackballs, joysticks for Mac Plus/128K/512K; or for later Macs which use the "ADB" keyboard and mouse.
As of Dec 2009, here's what we have. There are two Mac Plus/128K/512K Kensington trackballs on the right of the photo. On the
left are some ADB compatible trackballs and joysticks. Also a Mouse Systems 3-button optical, 403243-001, good condition. $39 each plus shipping and packing. At that price we will test and verify and describe brand and model in more detail. I don't see many of these anymore.
Appoint Mice tablets
Wacom tablet, untested Details later. It's about 18 inches
square and includes some diskettes. Other parts for early Macs may be on our Mac parts Web page.
Some unused Mac parts of interest may be on our unused service parts Web page.. A few unused parts are below; we will review and price them in due course. They are not likely to be cheap; compare prices to our used and tested versions if we have them as of course unused parts will cost more than used.
661-1616, Apple power supply, (2) units, for Mac II, IIfx, IIx. one opened *sold??* When ordering, please follow this link for
my email address, ordering information, terms and conditions, and info about
orders outside the USA. If you live outside the United States, consider the
costs of shipping; and the costs of providing payment. Bottom line as of mid-2008: I often don't offer 128K's or 512K's to sell because of "market prices". I can sell their PARTS for more than I can get for a complete system, or use them for repair parts, with less fuss. I sell good PARTS, tested and working and repaired, at a fair price. It is easier to sell the parts, it takes less time to describe them, I don't need photographs to show condition, I don't have to count scratches, etc. Customers with 128K systems who need GOOD WORKING PARTS will pay good prices for parts.
Meanwhile, many people offer at Web auctions their "128K Macs", with no effort to test or repair, in varying conditions, at lower prices than my parts. The fact that they may not work 100% or not be complete 128K systems may not be known by the seller, or their buyer; they are sold AS IS. Much the same applies to 512k, Plus and other "compact" Mac systems. I cannot compete by PRICE, under those circumstances.
PRICES: A simple answer to "how much WOULD a 128K or 512K system cost?" is this: I could not possibly offer a "complete" 128K or 512K system for less than $150 plus shipping, due to parts value - it would likely be MORE, especially for any 128K. A Mac Plus would likely be less. An SE or SE/30, likely AS MUCH OR MORE due to the hard drive value. This is NOT a guaranteed price, only a guideline - period. Look on this "collectable" Web page or my Compact Mac Web page for specifics and discussion - then contact me.
Be aware that the earliest 128K Mac was labled on the back upper left corner as "Macintosh"; the later model was labled "Macinstosh 128K" - this matters to some people, but they otherwise operate identical. Details of cosmetic condition would be described for each unit. Shipping weight 25 lbs for system unit, keyboard, and mouse; more for any additional items. (Shipping weight and distance determine shipping costs.)
See my notes above about my offering 128K systems.
Some 512K Macs came with 800K floppy drives and are known as "512KE"; older
512K Macs may not support 800k drives. The 512K cases have the lable
"Macintosh 512K" on the back in the upper left corner: the lable in the
lower right may have one of the following model numbers: "M0001", "M0001E",
"M0001W". However some of these may have been upgraded, so you cannot rely on the case
to tell you the contents! Please tell me which model you have or want, when ordering parts or asking
about systems. We don't guarantee all this model info is correct
or complete, we'd appreciate corrections. Check the Web for more info. We MIGHT offer complete Mac Plus or SE systems, in "good" cosmetic condition, or in better cosmetic condition when available. These use 800K floppy drives and have a SCSI external connector. They are not uncommon, and they are useful or at least fun and interesting to own. The SE "superdrive" or SE FDHD are scarce and desirable; some just want the CPU board or "the chips". Contact me to see if I have one. For more information, check our "compact" Mac Web page for more information. But systems in very good cosmetic conditon may be on this Web page as "collectable".
In recent years including 2020, we are not offering SE/30 systems or motherboards. They need to be recapped, we don't
offer that service. I don't sell nonworking systems or boards generally for obvious reasons.
Mac Classic system in Apple box. We have a Mac Classic system in a box with matching serial numbers. The
box is in good but dusty condition with some markings on it, and some "freckles". Here is an image of the box. Here is the Classic inside the box. In addition, here is an image of the Classic system.. The Classic case is lightly faded, some parts slightly more faded, but has no dings or scratches. The CRT is lightly screen-burned. The system no longer runs: the motherboard or CPU board needs recapping. It has 4MB RAM, 40MB hard drive (noisy but worked some time ago). Note: this system as discussed here includes only the Classic, the box and its two styrofoam inserts. I may have a replacement CRT, and I have items like keyboards and mice. Final price depends on any work to be done to improve or upgrade, to add keyboard or mouse, etc. We will test and discuss price accordingly. Extra fees for double boxing. It's simply RARE to find a Mac of this type with its original box, whatever conditions there are for box and system.
We have a few Apple system packing boxes, some with most of the
original disks and papers included with an SE shipped by Apple. We have boxes
for the Plus, SE and others, but no 128K or 512K boxes as of April 2006. The example box
below is an SE box, we don't have the matching SE with the same serial number.
The box has upper and lower styrofoam inserts, intact.
The books and papers, in the original styrofoam box, include the SE manual,
superfinder manual, registration papers, Apple decals, and other documents.
There are also four System 6 disks in the box, and a "SE tour" disk; a mouse and
A/C cable. Also in the packing box is a keyboard box with a keyboard and
both styrofoam inserts; and papers associated with the keyboard. Extra shipping fees for double boxing.
Here are images of the SE box and its contents:
AppleTalk PC card box, M2050. one corner broken open but otherwise
in good condition; has "10.00" in marker written on it.
This bx would contain an Apple ISA card 630-0113 for Intel/Windows systems
to run Appletalk networks. Box contains the following: Two disks in holder,
PC LaserWriter Program Disk Application, Disk Startup (5.25" disks, for PC);
680-5008, 680-5018.
Limited Warrenty card. Packing List. THERE IS NO MANUAL, the packing list
says it would be "AppleTalk PC Card" 030-1256. The card in the box is NOT APPLE as per
packing list; it is "Centram Systems West Inc. P/N 10322 Rev D". If you have
the manual and/or card consider these items.
MacSnap Plus 2 by Dove Systems in box. Doubles Plus memory by
adapters which allow SIMMS to be stacked up in sockets. Contains four
special 1MB SIMMS (Dove Computer 630-1257) which also have a SIMM *socket*.
Box includes diskette, lable, copywrite/warrenty card (top half only);
original reciept ($249.00!) from 1988; RAMSNAP User Manual; MacSnap Plus
2 Manual Supplement (2 duplicate manuals); MacSnap instruction manual
(for original MacSnap
processor upgrade product). Quite a collection of MacSnap information
and history!
Apple Personal Modem 300/1200, in the box. 914-0337-A. Box is in fair to good condition and intact with styrofoam. Contains manual, warrenty and packing list, other papers (may not have all papers). MOdem is cosmetically clean and white as is AC plug adapter. This modem hangs from the AC outlet. Serial number of modem matches label on box. Also miniDIN-8 to DB-9 cable. Modem is not tested. Shipping weight under four pounds packed. I may also have this modem by itself, but very yellowed, again untested.
Apple produced a canvas tan bag for their earliest compact Macs, the 128K and 512K. Later, other companies produced larger carrying bags, to hold
a compact Mac (SE/30, Classic, etc.) and its keyboard & mouse. Some can carry diskettes, external drives, and so on. They often have
handles and shoulder straps, and come in various colors. They vary in size, some hold the
keyboard inside the bag, some hold them in a pouch outside the bag. Non-Apple brand bags are minimum $39 each plus shipping - more fuss on my part
in answering details like additional photos, measurements, "will this fit X?" questions, raises the price.
Shipping costs are NOT CHEAP because of the large size of the bag. I dont' want to bend these up by
folding them into a smaller box. While these are typically 5 lbs boxed, their shipping size (18-20 X 13-15 X 11-12) sets the shipping cost. In March 2023, it cost $45 Priority Mail to ship a bag to Georgia USA from NJ USA. An estimate for
postage to Las Vegas NV was over $70.
Tan bag, Apple original(?) External size is about 13h X 15w X 10d. I may have one, ask me. They would likely be similar to the tan bag shown here; here's another view. they will cost much more than the non-Apple bags I'll describe. Price depends on condition and associated items like the "tag" or straps. As of Jan 2022 I have a tan bag with some black mold spots on two sides. These are not easy to remove or clean.
Here are three examples of non-Apple-brand bags I have or had. This is one view of a few of them; and This is another view of them. One bag in particular in grey looks like this next to a SE. and
here's another view. Another grey bag looks like this.. Bags vary in condition, some may have writing, some may be slightly soiled, etc. Ask what I have by preferred color, sizes are as described below. I have the following as of Apr 2023. Dimensions are outside height, width, depth in inches. Here's photos of these bags, with a Mac inside some with Apple Keyboard II, so you can see "fit": When ordering, please follow this link for
ordering information, terms and conditions, and info about
orders outside the USA. As of 2017, we have a few non-working HD20 drives (not SCSI) in fair or poor cosmetic condition, but complete. I cannot repair these. Due to their rarity, they will not be cheap. Ask if interested.
Because of the age of these cases, they are fragile and difficult to open to replace the SCSI drive inside. Here's a note and photos of how to open these HD20 SC cases.
Here's how I describe the cosmetics of these cases. "Excellent" would be with minimal fading (light grey or tan), no physical damage. "Good" is slightly yellowed (grey and tan will be darker) but uniformly faded, maybe some scuffs. "Fair" is with more yellowing (tan and grey/platinum cases will look the same) and there may be scratches or dings or nicks. "Poor" is fair with additional issues. Digital photos always highlight any small contrast.
For reference, here's some photos of a grey/platinum
HD20 SC case in "excellent" condition. here's the top and front, and here's the bottom and back. THIS IS NOT LIKELY AVAILABLE CURRENTLY, it's an example. Bits of masking tape are to protect the snaps from closing, as I've kept the cover loose to avoid opening and closing the case again. And here's two photos of a tan case in "good to excellent" condition (we worked carefully to show the tan color, most cameras turn "tan" to "grey").here is the top and here is the bottom.
Ask if any Apple HD 20 SC drives or drive cases are available. Some may have
old Apple drives in them, some may have non-Apple drives. I won't change the SCSI drive in them, or I'll offer them without a SCSI drive.
Shipping extra on all drives, shipping wt. 15. lbs. on one case, plus drive at a few pounds. The AppleCD SC model M2850 is an early Apple
external CD-ROM drive. The drive inside is a Sony brand CDU-8001. It uses a caddy, not a tray: we will include a caddy with the drive. The case is about the size of an HD20 SCSI drive, about 10 inches square. As of 2012, I have two or three of these, in fair to good cosmetic condition (slight fading, no physical damage), power is OK, but the drives are not working. $49 each plus shipping.
I also have a Apple CD SC Plus, which uses a CDU-541 Sony drive. Cosmetic condition is "good". I'll need to test, ask if available.
When ordering, please follow this link
for my email address, ordering information, terms and conditions, and info about
orders outside the USA. If you live outside the United States, consider the
costs of shipping; and the costs of providing payment. There's not been much interest in old old Apple Macintosh software, except "system disks" for very old Macs. If you want old system software, check my books and
software Web page for disk copies of disks to "boot up" the oldest 68K Macs from the 128K Mac to
some of the Mac II systems.
For other old Mac software, check my software Web page to see what's available, but it won't be available for much longer, due to lack of interest.
General references from all my Mac customers are at this link.
T.S. bought a 512K Mac without the motherboard and power supply. He says: "I got the package about a week ago but only now finally got around to testing. I've got my flashing questionmark icon, so thanks for getting me on my way! Now to get that system disk[ette].."
S. L. of SC bought an SE system and said: "Thanks again for your help. I got the SE today. Unpacked it, booted it up, nice system! Now all I need to do is find where I can find 800K floppies and a scsi/ethernet adaptor. I really appreciate your help and service, and am very happy with the SE."
C. A. of AZ ordered a SE FDHD in good condition. He wrote: "Herb, the SE arrived yesterday having survived the trip in good form. Looks great and started up just fine. Fun to see that screen after so many years. Thanks for your work. Pleasure doing business with you Herb."
E. W. of CANADA said: "Just a quick note to let you know I picked up your shipment today. Everything seems to be working fine: 400K external drive, 128K Mac numeric keypad and cable, [other items]. I'll likely be sending in another order for more stuff in the new year. Thanx.."
R.S. of AL said: "The used Apple Imagewiter I printer that I ordered from
you came today. It works fine and I just wanted to let you know I am a
happy customer."
L. M. of OK said: I got the Mac [128K you repaired for me] yesterday afternoon,
the 12th. I hooked it up this morning and it all works just fine. I guess
the only mistake I made in the whole process was paying some local yokel
$80 to tell me it couldn't be fixed. But as the old Pennsylvania Dutch
saying states, " We gedt too soon oldt und too late schmardt." Any way,
thanks for a good job."
Copyright © 2024 Herb Johnson
Many Mac parts are listed on my Mac Parts page. But check my
Mac home page for links to many OTHER parts and systems pages.
Cosmetic condition
Excellent or minimal fading means almost original light grey platinum or tan. Here's a Mac Plus "platinum" in that condition. I never use the term "mint".
Very good would be better than good, lighter fading. Here's a very-good-condition SE/30 case, and here's the other side of that very-good case.
Good means slight or modest but uniform fading, not yellowing, a darkening of the grey or tan color, no local color patches from old lables. Here's good-condition SE/30 case, and here's the other side of it.
Fair is faded to a yellow (from tan) or dark grey (from platinum), may have patches of lighter color. There may be some light scrapes or small scratches. Here's a fair-condition SE/30 case, and here's the other side of it.. In tan, here's a small keyboard that's nice but "fair" because of the patch. We don't often sell yellow or faded Mac systems, but some customers want items strictly for use and cosmetics like these are not important to them.
Poor condition has physical and/or cosmetic case damage - gouges, cracks, discolorations - that can't be removed. Or they are very yellowed or have very obvious changes in yellowing over the case.
Here's a Mac Plus case with rust stains and varied yellowing as "poor". Of course, there's worse conditions. I'll offer some accessories with poor cases (external floppy drives, external hard drives, keyboards, etc.) but never Mac system cases in this condition.
Early Apple Macintosh parts and hardware
floppy disk drives and diskettes
Early Mac or Apple A/C cords
"A" shows a straight connector, its pins point STRAIGHT UP and you can't directly see the female pins.
"B" shows the bent connector's pins, and the center pin is offset to the RIGHT.
-- The "B" version is tan only and has either rough-finish or a smooth-finish female connector.
"C" shows the bent connector's pins, and the center pin is offset to the LEFT.
"D" shows the bent connector's pins, and the center pin is offset DOWN along the AC cable.
Grey, "bullseye" logo A/C cord, straight connector "A" - $10 plus shipping
Grey, Apple logo A/C cord, straight connector "A" - $15 plus shipping
Brown/tan, Apple logo A/C cord, straight connector "A" - higher price, ask if available.
Grey, Apple logo A/C cord, angle type "C" - $15 plus shipping
Brown/tan, Apple logo A/C cord, angle type "C" - higher price, ask if available, provide details.
Early Mac/Apple cables
Grey color, six feet, Apple number 590-0551-A . $?? each plus shipping and packing.
White color, several feet, Apple number 590-0332-B . $?? each plus shipping and packing.
White color, under one foot, Apple number 590-0341-A . $?? each plus shipping and packing.
We may have others, ask!
Early Mac programmer's switch
Keyboards and mouse for Plus, 128K, 512K; other pointing devices
Keyboards and mice and their parts, for Plus 128K, 512K
If ordering, please describe desired cosmetic condition and *country of manufacture* or keyswitch type.
If you don't care about these things, tell me that, please don't make me guess. Thank you.
Mac Plus long keyboard M0110A (has numeric keypad on right) for 128K/512K/Plus are offered as follows:
Mac Plus Tan (brown/tan keys) good cosmetic condition, all keys tested and working.
Mac Plus Tan (brown/tan keys) better cosmetic condition: priced higher, be specific on condition
Mac Plus grey or platinum (grey keys) M0110A keyboard, priced higher still. Keyswitches vary the price.
short keyboard M0110 (no numeric keypad) original for 128K & 512K, tan color. almost all of these are USA made and use the same keyswitches.
numeric keypad, for use with 128K/512K type short keyboard. (They don't work well with the long Mac Plus keyboard.) We only have a few. Condition is tan and faded as shown, with light patch where label was removed, all units. Ask for price and availability they are but not cheap.
128K/512K/Plus Mac mouse model M0100 with DB-9 ROUND-cornered connector housing as in photo of mouse on LEFT, price based on condition and color and other considerations:
tan or platinum color, working but well faded, color patches - not available.
tan or platinum color, uniform fading to tan, some cosmetic (color) damage: not available.
tan or platinum color, less or little fading, $69 each or more, be specific about condition
unused newer Japan stock, bright Platinum (grey) mouse, Apple brand - ask about price.
Some Mac Plus mice were usable with Apple IIe and IIc computers, some not. I'm still working on this in Aug 2021.
Trackballs, joysticks, other pointing devices
Computer Color Crayon ADB mouse. Looks like a large crayon with ADB cable. Has trackball at
"tip". Unused in original packing. $19 plus shipping.
Appoint Thumbelina. Handheld mouse, ADB cable. In original box, sealed. $19 plus shipping.
Appoint Bulliver. small tabletop mouse, ADB. In original box, sealed. $19 plus shipping.
Other parts
661-0345, Apple 800k floppy drive
661-1651, Apple 1.4M floppy drive
661-0532, Apple Mac IIci logic (cpu) board
Early Mac systems
about selling Mac 128K, 512K and later systems
128K Mac systems
Here is a typical Mac 128K, with numeric keypad option, in very good to excellent cosmetic condition. Any unit I sell will be clean and working and in "good" cosmetic condition or better. See these descriptions for cosmetic conditions. The 400K drives are relubricated, tested and fully checked out by me. No CRT screen burn, good power supply, includes mouse and short keyboard.
512K Mac systems
Mac 512K's are also available from time to time, either in collectable
condition (described as above), or with some cosmetic damage - typically
some uneven fading, some pale patches where lables were removed. See my notes above about offering these 512K systems. Shipping weight 25 lbs for system unit, keyboard, and mouse.
Mac Plus, SE, SE/30 systems
Available Classic Mac system in box
Mac accessories, upgrades, add-ons
Imagewriter I, in original MAC shipping box (the one pictured is in an
Apple II type box), including manual and AC cord.
Box and printer in excellent condition, no damage. Shipping weight about 30
lbs, will ship with box placed inside shipping box.
Carrying bag:
one tan Apple brand bag, with mold spots, described above. 13h X 15w X 10d.
SOLD blue bags 19h X 14w X 12d. blue view 1 and blue view 2
two red/violet bags with pouch. 17h X 12w X 12d
red view 1 and red view 2, pouch is 11 X 11 X 1.
Khaki bag 11 X 12 X 15 inches inside, holding Mac Classic
red/violet bag with SE and keyboard;
blue bag with SE and keyboard;
khaki bag with Classic;
Apple HD20, HD20 SC, CD SC
Apple HD20
Apple Hard Disk 20 (HD20), 20 meg HD in tan cabinets.
Connects to Mac floppy port (not SCSI) with attached cable.
First external Apple / Mac hard drive. THIS IS NOT A SCSI HARD DRIVE, THERE IS NOT A SCSI HARD DRIVE INSIDE, the hard drive is unique, we cannot replace it with a SCSI drive. It works with the 512KE and later Macs with external floppy connector. These are all "tan" colored like the 128K and 512K. It will also work with a 512K or 128K Mac with a proper operating system which includes the "HD20" file. Check our Mac software section for specifics on that software. Check our HD20 and HD20 SC technical Web page for a review of the HD20 and its use on 128K's and 512K's.
Apple HD20 SC
The HD20 SC hard drive is the first Apple external SCSI drive.
It must have an external SCSI terminator device unless the internal drive is "terminated". Early models were "tan", later models were platinum/grey. M2603 is a model number. Later models of higher capacity (HD40, HD160, etc.)
are the same case with a different lable but with a different capacity of SCSI drive inside. Since we get these units used, the previous owner may have replaced the drive. For more technical discussion, our HD20 and HD20 SC technical Web page
You will need a SCSI-1 cable and a SCSI-1 terminator for the SCSI drives, those
cables and terminators are available on this page.
Apple CD SC
early Apple Macintosh software
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